I need to do a little catch up!! I first wanted to tell you about something we discovered Quinten absolutely loves. To swing! He loves going on outdoor swings in the park or at church. We put him on one for the first time during Father's Day weekend, and he loved it. We have a great playground at church complete with baby swings. One evening, Brock had a meeting at church. Quin and I tagged along for dinner, and then we played on the swings. He giggled at first, and eventually, he fell asleep! Check out the collage below. The pictures on the left are of Quin falling asleep.

So, we had a wonderful 4th of July and went to our friends, the Jacobs, house. We have been fortunate that every year for the past few we've gotten together. It just wouldn't feel like the 4th without their annual party! We had to stay indoors due to the rain, but we had good food and played fun games. One of the best parts of the evening was Quin playing with Kara. She got one of her stuffed dogs and kept wagging it in his face. He was cracking up! The next is Rachael holding Quin. The girls just love on him all the time; it's great!

Here is a picture of Quin in his 4th of July outfit. I feel so stupid because I had the onesie he's wearing for a while and bought a special new shirt for him to wear. I just totally forgot about it! Oh well, he still looked adorable.

The night before, we went to symphony on the prairie. Here is a great pic of Quin and his daddy.

Quin is just so fun and cute!! Here are some pictures of us just doing normal things around the house. The first is of Quin after a bath with a mohawk! The second is of Quin in his bath towel, big eyes! The last one is of him sleeping on me. I love that he still does this and hope he will for a long time!!!

My baby is 9-months-old today. It's just hard to believe! He's been alive almost longer than I carried him inside me. I really love being a mom, and it's better than I ever imagined. Quin has started crawling! He did it about 3 weeks ago, and now he wants to go everywhere. Here are some exciting updates on what Quin is doing.
Developments and Likes:
-Quin you're crawling! We were with our good friends the Youngs when it happened. Here's a picture of Quin and Charlie the same weekend of his big milestone.
-You are still a great eater, but peas are definitely now on your not likes list. You actually gag when we try and feed them to you. You now eat puffs! They're great because you can grab them yourself and put them in your mouth after we lay them on your high chair tray for you. We shake the container to let you know you'll be eating puffs, and you get so excited. You're very hungry right now!
-You attended your first symphony on the prairie and did wonderfully. You saw fireworks for the first time after the concert, and you were FASCINATED. You lay in my arms with a big blanket wrapped around you. It was a moment I've always dreamed of, holding my baby watching the sky. Daddy was very excited because you weren't scared of the loud fireworks and watched the whole show quietly with your pacifier in your mouth. The moment it was over, you looked at me and fell asleep.
-As mentioned before, you love swings.
-You love playing with the animals, and they're so good with you. You laugh when they walk by, and you excitedly crawl over to their pillow bed. We can have tons of toys on the floor for you, but you go straight for Sampson's ball, gross! It is fun to watch you with the pets.
-We have to be very careful when we put you on our bed because you like to crawl and roll all over it.
-Swim lessons are awesome! You're such a big boy, and you love being in the water. I'm so happy because I was/am a huge water baby. We take a parent & me class, and we put you underwater. You don't stay under long at all, and as soon as you come back up, you wipe your eyes. The instructor said that's a good sign, and you're not afraid of the water.
-You like to stand on the side of the couch, at the coffee table, or outside of the bathtub. You need us to help you, but you love to stand. You sometimes bounce.
-When you play, you love things that make sound or talk to you. You have a little radio, and when you push it, it tells you about the weather. You love having the button pushed for you.
-When you smile, you still scrunch up your nose, which is SO cute. You have an AMAZING laugh, and when you really get going, you laugh really hard and fast.
-You sometimes will show your teeth, but you won't show them if I try to open your mouth. I want to show off your teeth, but you won't let me. You currently only have 2 teeth on the bottom. Here's a picture of you as you're reaching for your puffs, and you can see those adorable teeth.

We love you so much and are so happy you're here! You're a miracle baby, and it's hard to believe you'll be 1 in only 3 short months!!