Life has been good, and Brock and I are doing wonderfully right now. Quin is 17-months-old, and he amazes us what he can do. He LOVES to climb, which I've been assured that Brock was the same way. He's fearless, so I've consulted with one of my friends about enrolling him in gymnastics. We're so thankful for spring weather coming because we've already gotten to go outside a couple of times. Going to the park might quickly become my favorite past time.
We are in the church season of Lent, and we've been encouraged to be more prayerful and take time to breathe. This is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week, the week we reflect on Jesus's last week on earth. This time of year is one of my favorites. As we prepare for Easter, this week is pretty solemn for me. I still can't quite comprehend that a man died for us, for you, for me. That is love, and I pray all may know that love and embrace it!
Guess I have a lot of things on my mind... I will mainly catch up on what's happened over the past few months, and share some pictures of Quinten.
Pictures coming soon of Quin's first birthday...
Christmas this year:
One of the best nights during the Christmas season was inviting Rachel and Bethany, my college roomies, plus their significant others, to watch the Butler Ballet and Orchestra perform the Nutcracker. This is a picture of us ladies at the show. It was a wonderful weekend!
Breakfast with Santa. Quin actually giggled while on Santa's lap!
At home after Christmas Eve Service at church
First trip to the Children's Museum!
First time sledding. Thanks to our friends, the Jacobs, we had a toddler sled for Quin! We went with the Youngs and had so much fun!
Quinten's milestones at 17-months:
-Quin, you've been walking since you were 1. Right around your 1st birthday, you took your first steps.
-You're a pretty good eater and will try almost anything once. You still hate peas, and Mommy is still trying to convince Daddy to give up on making you eat them. :-)
-You're a climber! Thankfully, you haven't climbed out of your crib yet. You can climb the sofa, furniture, stairs, and your slide.
-You love to talk and make noise. We're not sure what you're saying most of the time, but you definitely say "ball, mama, dadda, no, and Chewy (our cat.)" You really say, "chew," and when we ask you where is kitty, you know exactly who we're talking about.
-You try to ride the dogs, and they are so patient with you. You get excited and grab their fur. When we ask you to be gentle, you softly pat them. It's SO cute!