So, I'm a new mom, and I love it. Am I still a new mom? My son is 4-months-old, and time is going too quickly! He is sleeping through the night, which means I feel like a new woman. Quin is more wonderful than I ever imagined. He is a very laid back baby, and Brock and I just adore him.
This blog is really meant to journal about my growing family and share some of Quin's milestones. So much has already happened... He went to the polls for the first time when he was just a few weeks old to vote in the election of a lifetime. Quin made his theatrical debut when he was 8-weeks-old when he was casted at Baby Jesus in our church's Christmas pageant. He was Santa at Christmastime. He was blessed/dedicated during a special Baby Blessing Service. He loves to talk to us and has already had his first foods.
Quin at his Baby Blessing

His grandmother, Gammie, was here the week after Valentine's Day to see me in the musical Nunsense. The show is hysterical, and I played Sister Mary Amnesia. A crucifix fell on my head, and my character didn't remember who she was. It was wonderful having my mom here, and I love watching her with Quin. She watched him while Brock and I went to work. Mom lives in Montana, so the time the spend together is very special. My brother, Joseph, loves him and is so good with him. That is really beautiful to see.
Some things Quinten loves:
Gumming on his fingers, no teeth yet
Cooing and laughing
Getting kissed on the cheek
Mommy & Daddy singing to him
Playing with his feet
Being the center of attention
Some things Quinten dislikes:
Getting into his carseat
Going to sleep, he always fights it!
Wearing hats, which is too bad because he's so cute

That last picture is priceless...that sums him up in a smile!!
Congratulations on your new blog! Another way to keep in touch! Amazing "Nunsense" Adorable Quin Wonderful family! Keep up the great job!
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