Quin already has the idea! Look at that mouth!

Here are some pics of the wonderful ladies I get to worship and do service with.

A lot of people give something up for Lent, chocolate, alcohol, fried foods, etc. They do this as a fast and to meditate. I chose to gave up fast food. It's such a convenience, but I know it's not healthy either. So, I'm working to keep at it. I don't think Subway counts, however.
Almost a year ago, we found out we were pregnant with Quin. He is a miracle baby. I have some health issues, and we really thought it would be difficult to get pregnant. We want children and are so blessed to have Quin in our lives. Before we knew we were pregnant, we went on a mission trip to Venezuela. I can honestly say that trip changed my life, and I really understand just how small our world is. The best part was going with Brock. The people we went with are amazing. We all got along, no one complained about the food, and we genuinely enjoyed worshipping with each other and doing God's work. I just feel like bringing this up because a year ago we were in Venezuela and had no idea I was pregnant. Brock talked about the trip once during church service and mentioned how we went and didn't know it, but our son was there too. It's very special. Here are some pictures from that wonderful life changing experience.
The children were amazing, and I miss them so much. They were so loving, and luckily, Brock and I spoke enough Spanish to understand. Here I am with Shari and Christie.

I'm holding Daniel, who turned one. We were at his birthday party! Hmmm, me holding a little boy, a sign of things to come???

Brock and I adored this woman, our Abuela (grandmother). She said Brock reminded her of someone in her family. I have no idea how old she is, but she is very, very kind. She was watching the young children while we worked. Then, I wanted to watch the children with her.

Motherhood certainly has changed my life, and I'm very grateful. I'm so lucky to have a partner who really wants to be active in his son's life. He helps with bathing, feeding, changing, anything and everything. Brock is such a great daddy that I wanted to put some pictures of him on here. Thank you Brock, and I love you!
My little twins in blue

Daddy with a wide open smile like his son

Daddy & Quin at Ash Wednesday

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