It's so hard to believe Quin is 5-months-old!! It has been a wonderful 5 months, but it's gone too fast. Brock and I are still constantly amazed by how much and how quickly Quin changes. He is the light of our lives. Here are some things about Quin.
Quin loves:
~Mommy & Daddy, either one of us can soothe Quin, but he has recently just wanted Mommy
~Still loves his feet and keeps reaching for them
~Loves to laugh, he laughs the hardest when you kiss him on the cheek. He has this WONDERFUL laugh, and he adds a high pitched squeal at the end. Warms my heart.
~Loves to laugh at Daddy, Daddy makes him laugh by saying phrases very quickly and getting in Quin's face, especially "Todo el mundo," which means "the whole world" in Spanish. Daddy was saying, "You're the most beautiful boy in the whole world!"
~Peek-a-boo! This game is just too much fun.
~Sweet potatoes and bananas
This past weekend, Quin had his first slumber party!! We went to Brock's parents, and Quin got to spend some quality time there. We also got to go to the church we were married in, so it was a very special day. We've known a lot of the people at church for YEARS, so I'm sure it was exciting for them to see us with a baby. We are truly blessed to know that so many people love us, and pray for us. At Grandma & Grandpa McCracken's we took a bath, played on the floor, watched a movie, took pictures, had a yummy dinner and breakfast, and went to church. Here are some great pictures with Quin's grandparents.
Here is Quin with Grandma McCracken

3 Generations of McCracken Men

Quin and Brock with Grandma & Grandpa

Here we are in the church we were married in.

We keep realizing just how important quality time is. Quin normally takes a nap after he gets home from daycare, and tonight, he took a nap during dinner time. Brock and I got to talk while the baby slept. For new parents out there, I highly recommend doing this. We split a bottle of wine and ate pork loin and mashed potatoes and just talked. It was very special, and a cheap date at home. It's so easy to be completely consumed by the baby, and it was so nice to have some time just for ourselves. However, Quin woke up just at the right time for us to hug and love on him again. :-) It was perfect timing. Having a baby certainly changes everything, and I couldn't ask for a more welcomed change.

1 comment:
Oh my he is getting so big!! Miss you all...I will hopefully be back in church this Sunday!
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