Me and My Ladies

When we studied abroad in Rome and studied art history, we always fancied ourselves as the Three Graces. We loved this subject because the three of us were always together. No really, we ALWAYS were. We had a ball!

In Bethany's apartment

Rachel & Bethany Enjoying Brock's Brew from St. Patrick's Day

At Applegates for lunch and at the Welsh pub, Drussels

Bethany and Matt

It was a great weekend, and thank you, Ladies! Yummy ice cream birthday cake!

This past weekend was also my birthday! Brock's is the day before mine, so I think he has it easy in always remembering my birthday (hehehe) I got home from St. Louis around 6:30pm on Sunday, my birthday. Brock still made it very special, complete with presents, cards, and a piece of cake. I even got my first card addressed to "Mommie," which was very special. When I came home, Quin was sleeping. As soon as I heard him stir just a little bit on the baby monitor, I dashed upstairs! We opened presents after that. It was a great day.
The Birthday Girl

The Birthday Boy

The Birthday Couple

Next, was a present from my son. And, a beautiful bunnie mommie birthday card. For some reason, my mom and I always spell things with "ie" at the end. For example, mommie, gammie, bunnie, gummie, etc. So, Brock knew to keep up with the tradition and spelled my name correctly. My mom also LOVES bunnies, so the bunnie card was a nice touch. Thank you Brock, I mean, Quin!

Quin got me a lovely set of luxurious bath towels, YAY!!!

Quin was very excited to give Mommie a birthday present

Thanks to my boys for a great birthday weekend!!

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