What a beautiful day!! Thank God for some spring weather!! Quin celebrated his first Easter, and it was a busy day for sure. We went to church on Thursday to celebrate Maundy Thursday, the day of the Last Supper. Then, Good Friday was after that, the day of Jesus' crucifixion. Then... Easter Sunday! What a beautiful day it was. We participated in a Sunrise Service at 7:30, below is a picture of Brock & Quin after Quin's 1st morning nap.

After a beautiful service, we went to a church wide breakfast, YUMMY! Here I am with Quin.

Next, we went on Quin's first Easter egg hunt. It was a little chilly, so we hurried. Daddy helped Quin find an egg. The next picture is of us at home, and Quin is putting the egg in his mouth. :-)

Here I am with good friends Shari and Joanne

Then, we attended a beautiful traditional service, complete with choir and brass instruments. Check out Quin's reaction! (Well, he was in the nursery, but he looks so happy! He was laughing when his picture was taken with Liz & his buddy Charlie.)

We couldn't have asked for a better Easter day. Brock's parents came over for dinner, and the Easter Bunny even brought Quin a little singing lamby! It was a very good day, and we're really looking forward to spring. Happy Easter everyone!

With his lamby

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